about the festival


It is a DIY event, not a commercial festival, so there will be no food trucks, bars, shops, etc. There will be nothing for sale except band merchandise and festival tee-shirts. What there will be is a safe space to be, to camp, to talk, to party, to cook, to share, dance, to sing and to create. There will be a programme of performances, discussions and gigs, but we cannot emphasise enough that this is a DIY event, so if you have ideas of something that could or should happen, please propose it. We need people to get involved and make the event happen. We are also planning to do more communal (vegan) food this year (for a donation). More info about this will follow.

This is a small not-for-profit festival, with room for about 200 folk in terms of infrastructure, toilets, etc. It is free for kids (under 16s who come with adults), and we will make every effort not to exclude anyone on the basis of cost. If cost is a problem but you would like to come, please get in touch with a private message (see below).


The ticket money will pay for infrastructure costs and expenses for musicians and workshop presenters/facilitators. There is no background funding for a DIY event such as this, and we do need to guarantee a certain amount of ‘income’ to cover the costs of putting it on. No one is making profit from the event, and we are grateful to those who are putting in the hours and the hard yards to make the event possible. We do of course welcome input, ideas, practical help and volunteers before, during and after the festival.(It might be useful to bring some cash in case you want to purchase band merchandise, festival tee-shirts or make a donation for some communal food.)

Wheelchair users and accessibility

There will be a wheelchair-accessible toilet on site. The site is accessible to those with mobility difficulties, but it can be difficult especially if it is wet and muddy. We will make every effort to facilitate access for everyone. To be honest, it is not ideal, but it is possible. If you have issues, concerns or other ideas, please get in touch; likewise if you have any other special needs.


Our site is absolutely safe and child-friendly (of course, accidents can happen), consisting of fields, woodland, bog, a burn (stream), wild animals and plenty of room to play, explore and luxuriate. We have not planned any specific kids’ activities, but the possibility is there if you want to. Again, let us know what you are thinking.

Food and drink

There will be vegan (gluten free available) meals provided for Friday evening, Saturday lunch and evening and Sunday lunch (by donation of about £3-5 per meal). It is essential that you let us know how many of these meals you would like so that we can plan accordingly. It will also be useful if you can bring your own cups, crockery and cutlery, although some will be available on site.

You will need to cater for your own food requirements on Thursday, Friday lunch and all your breakfasts (and all other meals if you are not participating in the communal food for a donation). The DIY cafe kitchen will be running all festival with gas hobs, kettles, pans and utensils and some limited crockery and cutlery. You are welcome to cook and share. Also, you will need to bring your own drinks (alcoholic or otherwise). There will be running water and free tea and coffee in the DIY cafe. The nearest shops for food and drink are in Elgin and Forres (at least 10km away), so come prepared.

And we need volunteers to plan, coordinate and cook – get in touch with info@scottishanarchofolkfest.com.